Sunday, January 19, 2020

Effective Treatments for Pulled, Strained or Torn Calf Muscle

The neck is a structure designed to offer flexibility that allows the head to turn rapidly through a large range of motion. But this flexibility adds to the vulnerability of the neck to injury and the ease of misalignment during trauma. A small amount of spinal misalignment can cause a pinched nerve in the neck that can cause pain, numbness, tingling and other health problems.

home treatment for pulled muscle

Gentle stretching is necessary to prevent stiffness of the muscle and surrounding tissue. Aerobic exercise helps by increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery to the injured muscle and promotes healing. Performing aerobic activities also warms up the muscle and allows for easier stretching. So, now the muscle strains are diagnosed, let’s see the best ways to treat pulled muscles. As muscle strains are common, mild ones can be treated at home, but severe ones need some medical treatment by professionals or doctors. There’s a reason you always have a Costco-sized bottle of Advil tucked away in your medicine cabinet.

Apply ice or heat

Staying inactive not only weakens muscle tissue rapidly, it delays recovery. Small careful activity that does not cause great discomfort is beneficial. You must move to recover rapidly, but you must also be careful that you do not overdue that activity. After an injury to any soft tissue in the body toxins are released that will cause soreness, pain and stiffness.

Here is one exercise to strengthen your rhomboids or trapezius muscles. Massage the therapeutic essential oil mix into your rhomboids, trapezius, or latissimus dorsi muscles to ease the strain. Take the bath up to three times per week until your sore back muscles are healed and are no longer sore. Elevation of the affected area is important to prevent blood flow to the injured area on your back.

Grades of Calf Muscle Injury

While you can pull a muscle from overstretching it, some light stretching may actually help your strained muscle ease back into motion, explains Deblauw. That said, If you feel any pain while you stretch, scale back and let your muscle rest. Pulled muscles can occur anywhere in the body, but are most common to the neck, shoulder, arm, lower back and hamstring muscles.

home treatment for pulled muscle

Hence, these are some common causes of muscle strain. Alternatively, drink a glass of warm water mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and some honey once daily for a week. Add two cups of apple cider vinegar to a bathtub of hot water. Soak the affected area in the water for half an hour. Do this once daily for a few days until you recover completely. Do not wrap it too tightly or it may interfere with circulation.

Back Muscle Strain – When to See a Doctor

Pulled muscles happen when your muscles get overstrained, which can often occur as a result of exerting yourself before you've properly warmed up. Take the time to stretch and get your muscles warmed up before you participate in a physical activity. Use of this website and any information contained herein is governed by the Healthgrades User Agreement.

Pain will be significant and will cause weakness in the lower leg muscle and make walking difficult. Depending on the severity of the calf tear, the injury could take up to 6 weeks to heal. Pulling, straining, or tearing your calf muscle can leave you in a lot of pain and make walking difficult. Your calf muscles are located at the back of your lower leg and are needed to move your legs when walking, running, or jumping. Calf muscle injuries can happen when straining tight leg muscles by accelerating fast or suddenly changing direction. National Institutes of Health, in most cases, you can treat pulled and strained back muscles at home.

Low back pain can also be caused by your sciatic nerve. All these exercises include video or detailed illustrations for easy implementation at home. This method should be used for the first two days after the initial back injury. After this time, if you still have pain and the swelling has gone down, you should use a heat pack. What is the difference between a strained, pulled, and torn back muscle?

home treatment for pulled muscle

Do you realize that taking in vitamin C can reduce the pain brought about by pulled muscles? Not only will this help eliminate the pain, but this can also improve your skin and hair’s overall condition. There are some common symptoms of pulled muscles in your shoulder. While most people will have pain in their lower backs at some point, these injuries usually heal within several days. You can help expedite the healing process by gentle stretching, applying ice packs and using OTC topical creams and oral medication. A pulled muscle occurs when you tear or overstretch some of the muscle fibers.

What might first appear to be a neck strain might actually be an early indicator that a larger and more serious problem is going on. The gluteal region is a common area of referred pain, meaning the pain you feel may be coming from a different location, such as your lower back. Your doctor can help determine the cause of your pain and advise you on the most appropriate course of treatment.

home treatment for pulled muscle

After doing the diagnosis process, doctors will suggest you the best treatments for pulled muscles. Applying a warm compress is another effective way to get relief from a pulled muscle. A warm compress helps relax the muscle, which decreases muscle spasms and stiffness in the ligaments and tendons. This in turn leads to reduced swelling and inflammation. I sat up and felt a pain so sharp in my shoulder that it hurt to even slightly move it.

Use twice a day, and to get rid of knots in your back continue using until your back pain has eased and you no longer have symptoms of a pulled or torn muscle. Severely pulling a back muscle will result in intense pain and can also cause some of the back muscles to tear. A severely pulled trapezius, rhomboid, or latissimus dorsi muscle will take between 2 and 3 months to completely heal. Pain – By far the most common symptom of a neck strain is pain; sometimes pain is the only or first indictor of a simple strain of the neck. The pain might begin immediately after or an injury or a few hours later. Seldom does neck pain begin days after a common level of neck injury.

home treatment for pulled muscle

When the muscle is pulled, this may damage some of the small blood vessels in the shoulder area. Pain medications do not assist with the healing process and should only be used, in the short term, to provide relief with normal activities of daily living. If you feel that you need pain medication, consult with your physician to determine the type and dosage that is appropriate for your specific situation. Use medication sparingly because pain is actually an important indicator throughout the recovery process. Without proper treatment, you may experience recurring injuries or pain and weakness in the muscle during everyday use.

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